Venice Fashion Week – a toast to Floating beauty

Visits to ateliers, fashion shows, artisan’s workshops, and yes… a few cocktail parties are on tap for Venice Fashion week, on now through October 29. Let’s have a look!

Biblioteca del Colore - Photo credit: Germana Cabrelle

Just on the back of Venice Cocktail Week, October is all about fashion in the most fascinating floating city in the world. From 19-29 October, 80 creative spirits are involved in the week-long event. For the preopening on October 18, Venezia da Vivere founded by Laura Scarpa and Lorenzo Cinotti organized a day dedicated to sustainability, aboard the electric boat conceived by Repower and illustrated by Davide Damiani, responsible for external relations.  The boat is touring Italy to promote the use of alternative energy, and what better place to showcase it than on the Grand Canal?

Press conference on a boat - Photo credit: Germana Cabrelle

Photo credit - Marta Formentello for Venezia da Vivere

With fashionista Judith Bradl.

Photo credit: Marta Formentello

And speaking of sustainability, it is our duty to sustain the artisans of Venice, who have been losing ground to cheap imitations for years.  The message is clear:  If you can watch how an item is produced, you can appreciate how meaningful a purchase of a garment, handbag or decorating element can become. The incredibly silent skiff took us to the Tessiture Luigi Bevilacqua, with roots dating from 1499 and producer of exquisite velvet fabric since 1875.  A tour inside was a step into history.  With its raw wooden floors, 18th century hand looms and low lighting, the clacking of the shuttle and the colorful spools of thread, it felt like being in a period movie set.  The fabric is produced with hand drawn designs transferred to punch cards; one card represents one millimeter of fabric.  The production is extremely slow:  For one particular velvet called soprarizzo, each millimeter of the fabric must be cut by hand and the weavers make only 30 to 80 centimeters of velvet per day. 

Antique looms at Tessiture Bevilacqua - Photo credit: Germana Cabrelle

Home decor articles at Tessiture Bevilacqua - Photo credit: Germana Cabrelle

Technical work at Tessiture Bevilacqua - Photo credit: Germana Cabrelle

Our next stop was to Orsoni Venezia 1888, artisans of mosaic tiles. The wood fired oven was ablaze and we were able to witness the cutting of the individual tiles, some used to restore the Basilica of San Marco as well as in the embellishment of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.  We saw designs of modern mosaic projects from all over the world as well as the archive of colored tiles that were like a Technicolor wonderland.  After a lunch in the pretty garden, there was a conference with key hotel stakeholders including to discuss the future of sustainable tourism in Venice. 

Mosaic samples at Orsoni - Photo credit: Germana Cabrelle

Mosaic cutting machine at Orsoni - Photo credit: Germana Cabrelle

Working the furnace at Orsoni - Photo credit: Germana Cabrelle

But back to fashion:  On October 19, there was a fashion show in the boutique of Liviana Conti with decorations in wood by Sebastiano Lunardelli, master craftsman. A cocktail party was then held in his woodworking shop: Lunardelli was recently awarded Master of Arts and Crafts by the Cologni Foundation.  The evening was a unique juxtaposition of artistry in two completely different mediums.

October 22 and 23 will host Open Ateliers, a chance to visit the boutiques and ateliers of designers, including seminars, workshops and cocktail parties. On Sunday October 23, Ca Maria Adele hotel hosts a fashion show like none other:  it will take place in the various rooms of the boutique hotel.  Marina Amicucci and her brand Myss Duval will show their animalier prints and use of unusual textiles.  Also, Antonio Battaglia and Marco Andreoni, creators of In Barberia, with boutiques in Treviso and Venice, will show off their collection of hand-produced eyeglasses styled by Nicola Zenella.    

From 26-28 October, the Sala della Musica of Ca’ Sagredo Hotel will be the scene of a salon dedicated to accessories designed by artisans, from porcelain to handbags to hats to lamps. The Wunderkammer by Martina Vidal will transform the Sebastiano Ricci Suite with a collection of lacework from Burano. Confartiganato of Venice will present 7 Venetian artisans, ranging from knife makers to goldsmiths. 

There will be a host of fashion shows, presentations and conferences throughout the city through October 29… stay tuned! Our hats are off to Venice Fashion Week and Venezia da Vivere for opening our eyes to the mastery of the creators.


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